Case Study

nClouds AWS Case Study | ShelterZoom

AWS Expertise to Meet the Highest Compliance Standards
About the Client

ShelterZoom, the creator of Document of Things™ (DOT) and Contract of Things™ (COT), is an award-winning Web3 and leading blockchain-based SaaS provider, serving large enterprises, businesses, government agencies, nonprofits, and individuals.

New York, New York
The Challenge
Finding an AWS partner to support the cloud infrastructure journey
Featured Services

Enhanced Business Functionality

Safeguarded Data

Support for All Cloud Deployments


Finding an AWS Partner to Support the Cloud Infrastructure Journey

ShelterZoom has a product that is geared toward a highly technical audience that demands security, privacy, and compliance. Rather than waste precious dev hours worrying about those items in house, CTO Vince Albanese looked for a premier partner to support AWS development and help deploy them at the magnitude the company required.

But the challenge wasn’t without complexity. With contract programmers in 13 countries and DevOps spread across three, every change that affected security, privacy, ISMS, and anything with security controls had the potential to turn into a logistical nightmare.

Vince needed a partner that already had the inside track with AWS to do the heavy lifting on infrastructure management. He needed nClouds (formerly Cloudnexa).


AWS Expertise to Meet the Highest Compliance Standards

nClouds took the burden off of ShelterZoom’s team by developing a compliance plan, working to produce and implement the plan in a timely manner, and adding expertise and resources that enabled ShelterZoom to develop its applications and deliver them on the cloud infrastructure.

The plan helped ShelterZoom mature its capabilities in five key areas:

  • Logs and monitoring
  • Education and training
  • Secrets management
  • Identity management
  • Vulnerability management

nClouds’ team then helped contractors and multinational teams transition by writing a synopsis of ShelterZoom’s compliance needs, interfacing with each vendor, and solving objections as they arose across various parts of the organization.

AWS Config played a pivotal role throughout this process. AWS Config simplifies compliance with regulator frameworks by providing continuous monitoring of critical systems to ensure that security policies are followed. Its capabilities equip ShelterZoom with the tools it needs for compliance auditing, security analysis, resource change tracking, and troubleshooting.

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No matter where you are in your cloud journey, we can help you migrate, modernize, and manage your AWS environment. Let’s accelerate your growth and fast-track your business outcomes.