Case Study

nClouds AWS Case Study | Mission Manager

Mission Manager
About Mission Manager

Mission Manager is a cloud-based incident management tool for first responders designed to help teams operate more effectively and efficiently. Mission Manager’s team member and asset management capabilities, combined with its calendar and communication functions, allow users to enhance team readiness through optimized training and seamlessly integrate mission-specific operations during real-time events.

Financial Technology
Escondido, California
The Challenge
Need for Ongoing Management and Optimization while Scaling Its Infrastructure
Featured Services

99.9999% Availability and Future Modernization Roadmap

Cost Optimization

Enhanced Security


Need for Ongoing Management and Optimization while Scaling Its Infrastructure

Mission Manager was initially a small operation supporting the San Diego Sheriff’s Department, run from a single server in the founder’s house. When Olaf Walter purchased the company in 2014, the team faced challenges in hiring IT personnel as the company expanded globally. The transition to the AWS cloud required ongoing management and optimization, but the company struggled to secure the necessary IT expertise.

The rapid growth of teams on the platform demanded a shift from a single on-prem server to the AWS cloud. However, as a small company, Mission Manager encountered difficulties in scaling its infrastructure without the resources to meet the evolving demands of its architecture.

“It became clear from a cost perspective that it didn’t make sense to work with a huge team of IT people. We needed to find a partner to work with, and AWS recommended [nClouds] themselves.”
— Olaf Walter, CEO, Mission Manager


nClouds’ Solution for Mission Manager

Mission Manager opted for nClouds’ Managed Services, a comprehensive service with service monitoring, technical support, issue management, and account configuration by seasoned AWS engineers. The collaboration impressed from the start, as senior engineers actively contributed to the sales process, making technical discussions more efficient.

nClouds played a pivotal role in guiding Mission Manager through crucial application configuration improvements, ensuring optimal security and availability. The Mission Manager team now relies on a trusted relationship with nClouds’ senior engineers, benefiting from their deep AWS knowledge for staying updated on critical AWS developments, changes, and initiatives like Well-Architected Framework Reviews (WAFRs).

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