About Carlos Rodriguez
Prior to his graduation, a friend told Carlos about nClouds and explained nClouds’ innovative company mindset. Because he thrives on learning the newest technologies and solving the most challenging problems, Carlos investigated nClouds, which resulted in Carlos accepting a position at nClouds as a Senior DevOps Engineer after his graduation in 2017. Based on his aptitude, leadership skills, and commitment to personal development, Carlos was promoted to DevOps Team Lead in 2021, where he became a troubleshooting Jedi and a prolific technical blogger.
In the past year alone, Carlos has made 1,344 contributions to GitHub, in addition to creating innovative solutions to help nClouds’ clients achieve their goals. The joy he gets from troubleshooting and utilizing his technical expertise is why he says, “Give me something that is not working properly, and I’ll figure it out and fix it in the best possible way.” Yet, Carlos does not rest on his laurels. He has also developed Kubernetes implementations including custom scaling metrics for Kubernetes. Additionally, Carlos led the development of the nClouds nCodeLibrary.
The nCodeLibrary is nClouds’ repository for infrastructure as code (IaC) programs. These are pre-designed configurations that automate & apply best practices to resource provisioning on AWS. These nCodeLibrary bundles are real-world cloud infrastructure packages built with our code libraries that help you build, automate, manage, and support cloud infrastructure. These packages are categorized under common topics like Serverless K8s, EKS, Lambda, and Networking. Not stopping there, Carlos keeps one eye on the future.
“As personal research, I’ve been looking into Web3 development and blockchain.” Web3 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web based on blockchain technology, which incorporates concepts like decentralization and token-based economics. Looks like we’ll be seeing another blog post from Carlos in the near future.

Blog post by Carlos Rodriguez:
How to use AWS CDK for Terraform
nClouds’ engineers have extensive experience with CloudFormation and infrastructure as code (IaC), and we’ve found that AWS CDK is an invaluable tool as we build solutions for our clients.
How to use the AWS VPN’s Federated Authentication features
I’ve been working DevOps on cloud environments for a while now, and it’s almost always a given that you need a virtual private network (VPN) when you’re working in the cloud.