Tutorial Highlights & Transcript
00:00 - Beginning of Video
00:14 - What is Synthetic Monitoring?
01:16 - Browser Tests
03:20 - API Tests
04:09 - Demo of Datadog Synthetic Monitoring
On the Datadog page, locate UX monitoring. Under that, I’m going to create a new test. On that, I’m going to select an API test. In this API test, we can choose multiple layers of networks like HTTP, SSL, TCP and DNS like that. I’m going to select HTTP. Before that, I’m going to paste the URL www.nclouds.com. You can mention the environment if required, I’m going to leave it. If I test this URL, there is an assertion automatically created like this response time, status code, headers, and we can be able to customize the assertions also according to our vision. I’m going to leave it as this as a default. I’m going to select a location. I’m selecting one location from each. We can also specify time frequencies according to our wish. I’m going to leave it for one minute. Define alert condition. I’m going to leave it as a default thing. If we can also acknowledge a team member, or we can notify it by SNS and those kinds of things. I’m going to leave it as this, and I’m going to create the test, and here we can monitor the response time by location, network timing and the test results. Just created a status check, so it displaces, and we can also create multiple API tests. The difference between the single and the multiple API test is, here we can be able to monitor multiple applications status in a single API check. We can only monitor the HTTP request only. I’m going to give the name of this as DEMO. Environment, I’m going to leave it. I’m selecting only one region, so Mumbai. Create your first step. I’m going to name it DEMO. Paste the URL. Once I test, the assertions are created automatically. I’m going to save this. Here we can add another request under the same AP test. This is the difference between the single API and multiple API tests. Here I’m going to paste this URL. Name it as DEMO-2, and it’s response is 200. Everything seems fine. This is how we can be able to manage multiple applications under the same API test. Now, I’m going to explain about the browser test here. Here we can be able to monitor the user’s browser experience. For that, I’m going to paste this URL here and name it as DEMO. For this environment, I’m going to leave this. Additional tags if we’re required, we can select. Location: I’m going to select Mumbai. Specific test frequency. Minutes. Obviously, we should want at least five minutes. Then I’m going to record this, test and record. Once I started record this, for example, if I want to create a registry, Register Now, first if I selected any options, it will be recorded here so that we can able to monitor our application performance in the user’s perspective so we can able to troubleshoot the issue before the issue arrives from the user side. This is the advantages of the Synthetic Monitoring, and that’s it for this demo.

Vignesh Selvaraj
Support Engineer
Vignesh joined nClouds in 2021 as a Support Engineer. He helps build infrastructure in AWS with his experience in AWS, DevOps, and cloud computing.