On-Demand Webinar
7 Simple Ways to Reduce Your AWS Spend
Tactical steps for a cloud environment health check
Be honest – do you have total control of your AWS cloud costs? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could manage your cloud environment by examining where unaccounted costs are coming from, and monitoring your resources, identifying unused instances, and more? Great news – you can. Join this engaging session, with experts from AWS and nOps, where you’ll learn how to use the nOps cloud management tool to reduce AWS cloud costs and optimize your environment, including tactical steps you can take to save up to 50% in cloud costs.

Join and you’ll learn how to:
- Reduce the most expensive services on your AWS bill.
- Implement a tagging strategy that illustrates your costs from your business perspective.
- Unearth and target unaccounted costs.
- Ensure costs are charged back to their appropriate teams.
- Qualify for a free health check of your AWS environment.